Grateful for Winter

DSC02239After an incredibly busy summer and fall where it seemed impossible to sit inside like ever, we are grateful for winter, a cozy hearth, and quiet time, both alone and with others.

We are using this time to gather the threads of our village and weave them into a tighter whole. Weekly and monthly potlucks are already happening. Songlucks and Gift Circles may come soon. Work parties, book discussions, musical jam sessions and all sorts of other gatherings are increasingly likely too. Interested? Write a comment, below and we will not post your comment but email you back directly.

What to do with SUPER ripe fruit?

custardsThis is a great gluten-free dessert for using overripe and bruised fruit! The picture at right shows an apricot custard (on the left) and a cherry one.

3-4 cups very ripe/overripe/bruised fruit (cherries, apricots, peaches, etc.)
3 eggs
1/6th teaspoon dry stevia (or to taste)
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder (or 1/4 cup flour)
1/2-1 cups soft goat cheese (chevre) or sour cream

Removed pits and any bad parts from fruit, place in pot on stovetop with just a bit of water. Stew on low heat for 30 minutes – 2 hours (approximately). If you let it cool overnight it may congeal a bit, which is fine. If it is still too liquidy, you can spread it on a pan and place in the oven at 250 for an hour or so. The goal is to have a thick fruity soup. Some liquid is ok, but not too much.

In a separate bowl, mix all other ingredients. Then add fruit. Pour into greased cake or pie pan (grease with coconut oil or butter).

Bake for approximately 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Games, Music, Crafts & Potluck

kugelWould you like to work on some crafts, play music and games (including RainSong Pingpong), and share stories and food? Come join us Saturday afternoon/evenings!

Note: we meet *almost* every Saturday, but to be sure, please comment below to confirm and RSVP. Comments are NOT generally posted on this page, but we’ll receive and reply to your email.

We look forward to spending a lovely evening with you!

Sacred Economics

March 22nd

Our upcoming Saturday gathering will begin with a discussion of Charles Eisenstein’s amazing book “Sacred Economics” — available for free online here from 2-4pm,  followed by cooking (4-5ish) a potluck meal together (5-6ish) and then music and games!

You are welcome to come at 2 for the discussion, 4 for the meal, or 6 for the music and games!  Or stay for everything!

Please rsvp by commenting below so we can best welcome you.

Ishmael Gathering

ishmaelOur next Rainsong Saturday will be on February 8th.   We will, in addition to the usual food and games, be hosting a discussion about “Ishmael” and other books by Daniel Quinn, and the ideas they inspire.

These are transformative, coherant, fascinating, and quick to read books! Even if you have not read them, we invite you to come discuss!

If you would rather watch a movie, “What a Way to Go: Life at the end of Empire” produced by Sally Erickson and Timothy Scott Bennett, is an excellent place to get many of the same ideas.

Tim Bennett also gave a very good talk about these ideas here.

You may also be inspired by the info we have here.

Our discussion will be from 2-4pm.

We look forward to seeing you!


Sacred Economics

We would like to have a book discussion about Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein.

Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.

Today, these trends have reached their extreme – but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.

You can download it here.

Want to discuss?  Comment, below, to send us an email and we’ll schedule a discussion!